Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, August 9, 2010

Take care of yourself before you can take care of your children and family

- one mum shared her pregnancy experience that even though she gained 25 pd with the first child, she returned to her weight before pregnancy very quickly
- her 2nd pregnancy she gained 70 pd

- unlike her previous pregnancies, when she had her 3rd pregnancy, this time she ate well and exercised and gained 70 pd
- after delivering her 2nd child, she kept 45 pd which didn't come off until she stopped nursing (which was ~9mth)
- hormone adjustment is very individual, some lost weight right away while nursing, while others don't

- for her 3rd child, she ate well postpartum and expected to lose weight but after 6 weeks, she weighed exactly the same
- she persevered with her conscientious eating and exercise and managed to shed the extra pd after 4 mth
- she was so busy struggling with her weight, going back to work, taking care of her children and newborn infant and her family that she got lost of herself
- she realised she had to find the balance, make time for herself and to take care of herself
- this helps her find her strength to be the best parent she can be

- the balance between what makes you happy as a woman, and what you want to give your child

Recommended menu for getting back to prepregnancy weight:
Breakfast - tomato, herb, and goat cheese frittata
Tea 1 - mixed nuts
Lunch - carrot soup with coriander, curry, ginger, and chives; baby spinach salad with pears, toasted walnuts, and pecorino
Tea 2 - white bean dip with crudites
Dinner - miso-glazed salmon; sauteed bitter greens with shallots; quinoa with mushrooms, caramelized squash, and toasted pecans

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