Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

17th week of motherhood

27dec - 2jan'11

- Mum went to make groceries after I drafted a shopping list while Dad & I stayed to take care of TK (returned after 90min)
- had 'di huang miao' & veg potato, sweet corn, carrot, kidney bean, pearl bean soup for lunch
- had broccoli w tomatoes for dinner

- woke up to Bb TK's cries at 6am for feed (pacified TK while Mum make milk)
- had 'lian rong shou bao' for breakfast (had a slice of bread earlier before medication)
- had mixed veg w 'dow bao' bb spinach for lunch

- had to report to work these 2 days (had applied for infant care for Day 1)

- getting new window grills (Darling took leave)

- gg home to watch the fireworks (Bb TK's 2nd time)

6th week of motherhood

11oct - 17oct

- went to deliver 1st month cakes to colleagues with mum carrying TK (took a few photos with colleagues & TK)
- had late lunch at Thomson but shop was closed (bought a bun to stop the hunger)
- gg to see gynae for consultation with Darling

5th week of motherhood

4oct - 10oct

- cf lady leaving on Wed and Darling is taking leave to take over (Bro is sending cf lady to take bus home)
- Bb TK turned 1mth old

4th week of motherhood

27sep - 3oct

- looking into the final details for Bb 1st month celebration on Sunday
- Bb TK's 1st Children's Day (received some NB gifts in advance)
- extremely tired after the celebration and slept soundly at night (didn't hear Bb TK cry or maybe he's too tired to wake up)

17th week Dearest Baby TK

28dec - 3jan'11

113 days' old, you only need 6 feeds compared to 8-9 small feeds for past 2 weeks; pooed at 3.40p
114 days' old, you again took >92% of your daily feeds;
115 days' old, you pooed at noon;
116 days' old, you tasted breastmilk for the 1st time and finished 4oz+2oz in 2 feeds; gg home to watch the fireworks 'LIVE' and COUNTDOWN to 2011;
117 days' old, you pooed at 1pm;
118 days' old, you are gg to stay at Granddad's place;
119 days' old, you flipped over 90 deg C on the sofa next to Granddad again, after doing it earlier for Grandmum & Marmy; you're 'giving 22%-33% discounts' of your daily feeds for the past few days; you've a few red bumps on your left arm near the elbow & you stop crying for a while when Grandmum applied lotion while you're asleep (remember the time when Marmy was bitten by insect when you're still less than 17 weeks old?)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

9th week Dearest Baby TK

2nov - 8nov

57 days' old,
58 days' old, Granddad discharged from hospital; we stayed at home while Grandmum went to fetch him
59 days' old, you
60 days' old, you
61 days' old, you
62 days' old, it's the first time you travelled by SMRT in stroller to Grandparents' house; Dardy bought a new pink diaper pants for you and found out it's for girl
63 days' old, your Uncle R birthday; Grandma & Aunt moved 2 shelves from Granduncle to our place

Makan Lobang!

Sizzler anyone?
Offer till end of Jan 2011

16th week of motherhood

20dec - 26dec

- napped for about 30min & was awaken by TK at 630p
- had 2 slices of wholemeal bread w olive spread & strawberry jam for breakfast
- had a slice of wholemeal bread w veg niang doufu - bittergourd
- had brinjal, veg niang doufu for lunch
- Dad & Mum went to poly to get blood test results while we stayed at home (TK napped for more than 2h)

- pooed after 2 days
- made carrot cake w bee tai mak for breakfast
- went groceries shopping with Dad & Mum w TK in stroller

- Darling came over for dinner - Dad & Mum did the marketing with the vouchers from my colleagues upon TK's arrival, I did the rest eg.planning what to buy and cook, help to prepare some of the food, most of the washing, mopping and cleaning the kitchen after cooking etc while Bro made 6-course dinner before his 630pm appt:

broccoli w cauliflower, mushroom, carrot, black fungus, red & green chilli pepper;
potatoes salad w mixed veg & lettuce, veg duck meat; w red & green chilli pepper;
braised dow ghee w mushroom, carrot, veg meat balls & chestnut spring rolls w lettuce;
di huang miao w fried egg, mushroom;
bazhen soup w hard-boiled eggs &
glutinous balls for dessert
- 2 guests are joininged us for dinner while TK slept after feeding

16th week Dearest Baby TK

21dec - 27dec

106 days' old, you laughed when Marmy played 'dong dong chiang' with you; you're quite awake in the night having napped more than 7h yesterday;
107 days' old, you still say 'L', 'el' as in 'elephant', 'ell' as in 'smell'; Dardy is coming came over to have dinner with you at Granddad's place;
108 days' old, you pooed a small lump before shower;
109 days' old, you are gg home w Marmy & Grandmum accompanied; pooed twice;
110 days' old, you are meeting met your 'little frens' for Xmas gathering if  as nothing goes went wrong; watched Dardy and Marmy eat fragrant pear and you swallowed own saliva and staring at our pear; received a spoon as Xmas gift from Granduncle 'Sa Lao Gu'; had the most amount feed ~29oz since last week
111 days' old, you had new NUK milk bottles and finish your feed in less than 5min; pooed continuously for 4 days and 5 times this week
112 days' old, you had the most amount of feed ~29.5oz for the past 2 weeks;

Sunday, December 19, 2010

BookFest @Singapore 2010 till 19 Dec

BookFest @Singapore 2010 - Celebrating 5 Glorious Years of the Best in Educating and Lifestyle

Venue: Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre Hall 601-603
Time: 10am-10pm
Free Admission

Join them in a last effort to raise donations towards The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund! Only on 19 Dec 2010.

All English books at 30% off. All Chinese books at 40% off.

BookFest @Singapore is donating S$1000 cash with every 10,000 copies of books sold at the fair.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

15th week Dearest Baby TK


99 days' old, you poo after 65h before nn; drank 2x plain water 1oz each at 4p
100 days' old, you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake;
101 days' old, you still like to babble alot; you're feeding 3/4 of what you should be taking at your age
102 days' old, you poo after more than 80h and first time taking diluted fibre drink 4h before poo
103 days' old, your Marmy bbsat you while Dardy went to buy groceries; you had your 2nd dose of 6-in-1 at the GP and scream & cried very loud; you slept quite abit after that; Grandpa & Grandma came to visit you; Grandma says you may shave your head at 4m;
104 days' old, you went to stay at Granddad's place; you had diluted fibre drink on the way
105 days' old, you napped for more than 7h; you have not poo for 3 days;

14th week Dearest Baby TK


92 days' old, you are 3m today; start feed 2.25 scoops but mostly only finish 3oz; went 2nd time to do groceries; like to sing-a-long to songs; feed 2.30am, 5.45am, 12.15pm, 5.30pm, 10.40pm; Marmy sneaked out to the bank; Granddad first time feed you & taking care of you by himself; Marmy won a 'Best Email of the Month' prize for you; Dardy comes to visit you at Granddad's place
93 days' old, you still like to watch Granddad play with you; feed 2.20am, 6am, 2.35pm,
94 days' old, you stay w Granddad & Grandmum while Marmy goes for dinner; still like to babble alot; Dardy went to buy groceries
95 days' old, you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake
96 days' old, you have been making bubbles w your lips
97 days' old, your Grandmum bbsat you for 7 Days & Nights continuously; Grandma came to visit you tml
98 days' old, you are gg for your 2nd jab w Grandmum

Monday, December 13, 2010

15th week of motherhood

13dec- 19dec

- came home after staying more than a week at parents' place (Bro drove us back)
- woke up 2 times in the night feeling lethargic
- Bb TK going for 2nd jab
- Mum bbsat TK while Darling accompanied me for neuro check-up
- feedings: 2.10am & 4am; 6am 1oz & 8.45am 2.5oz;11.20am;

- Darling took leave visited cf lady with Darling before the end of her assignment (7 bb boy in a row)
- Bb TK poo alot today after 65h
- dined at Mum's place (bb spinach, mock meat, and potato & sweet corn soup)

- F***pr*** supermarket issue points based on gross amount ie after rounding adjustments if any
- TK finished ~3.1kg of formula in Oct; similarly for Nov; estimated ~3.61kg in Dec & ~4kg in Jan & similarly for Feb'11
- cleaned TK's poo after his bath
- Pa called while I'm on the phone w Aunt L & Darling called my mobile
- Darling came to fetch us home after dinner (broccoli w tomato & mushroom, di huang miao, sweet corn w chestnut, pearl bean & kidney bean soup and soya cake for dessert)

- Darling went marketing, cooked for all the meals, washed the dishes, swept the floor..while I looked after TK, diligently filled in TK daily log (FENPEP for FEed, Nap, PEe & Poo) & put the clothes into the washer
- had multigrain porridge, veg pig's trotters, broccoli with tomato, mushroom & carrot for dinner

14th week of motherhood


- went to make groceries with Dad & Mum with Bb TK in stroller
- Darling came to visit Bb TK after work (first Fri after end of Dharma class this year)
- made du zhong soup; Bro made potatoes, kidney beans, peanuts & carrot soup; Mum made broccoli and dow ghee

- Darling came to visit Bb TK and stayed for dinner
- Mum made broccoli, brinjal; Dad made dow suan; 
- feeding: 1.45am; 5.45am & 7.25am; 10am 2.75oz; 12.45pm 3oz; 6pm; 11pm
- nap: 7.50am; 2.20pm; 4.35pm; 9pm

13th week of motherhood


- attended last Dharma class this year while Mum bbsat Bb TK

12th week of motherhood


- Dardy bought food & Marmy made soup for dinner

11th week of motherhood



10th week of motherhood



Saturday, December 11, 2010

9th week of motherhood


- Darling had to wake up early for work
- Mum accompanied Dad to hospital and I asked the nurse to discharge Dad after dinner the following day
- Darling came to visit us with new diaper pants & dig cam charger and dined at Granddad's house
- Darling went to buy groceries
- Darling had exam and spent late nights preparing for it

- it's Deepavali and we stayed at home
- new drug for post AVM makes me feel more drowsy
- continue to observe for any adverse effects (had bumps on face which makes me feel itchy like mosquito bite)
- hardly *hear* bb TK cry in the night
- Dad help to pacify TK while Mum make formula feed
- luckily Mum is there to help and I went back to sleep if TK cries woke me up at 5-6am
- TK is 2m old & he's got blocked nose (doesn't feed smoothly at night)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

8th week of motherhood


- TK gained ~1kg in a mth and me losing ~1kg in 2 wk (sounds like a slimming centre's real-life slogan)
- attended Alumni dinner with Darling and Granddad & Grandmum bbsat TK
- started a new drug after AVM op and had to observe for any adverse effects
- Granddad not feeling so well these days and Grandmum is worried
- Granddad suggested we moved and stayed over so Grandmum no need to travel
- Happy Halloween!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Developmental Overview: Ages 3-6m

- At 3-6m, your baby becomes very much his own person (show individual difference)
- babies develop at different rates (TK likes to smile, even when he's asleep)
- your baby may be faster in some things, slower in others (not more or less intelligent than another)

On the move

  • At 3-4m put him on a blanket on his tummy and he may try to edge forward by pushing with his feet or pulling with his arms. Most can do stomach-to-back roll, some even back-to-stomach roll (TK loves to 'fly' like an aeroplane when confinement lady puts him on his tummy)
  • At 5m, he may be able to push himself up to a standing position supported (TK did that even before he turns 1m old)
  • At 6m, he may be able to sit unsupported


  • At 4m he is reaching & grasping. Grasp is limited as his fingers & thumbs don't work independently yet
  • At 5m he can grasp a toy with one hand, then transfer it to the other. He uses fingers and thumb independently and can rotate his wrist to look at the object in his grasp
  • At 6m he's discovering how to pick up small objects with his fingers and thumb, using his new skills in judging distance

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

13th week Dearest Baby TK


85 days' old, you had makan at Grandparents' place w Dardy; poo at 3p feed
86 days' old, you celebrate Dardy & Marmy's 'union'; poo at 1p; you're heard laughing so hard (loud) first time when Granddad play with you
87 days' old, you still like to babble alot; feed 3am,7.45am,12.21p, 3p
88 days' old, your Grandma bbsat you while we attended Dharma class; you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake; Grandmum had bbsit you for 10 Days & Nights continuously
89 days' old, you will meet met your little 'frens' if nothing goes wrong; for the 3rd time
90 days' old, you are gg to cheer Dardy while he goes for his annual race; Grandma came to bathe you; gg to Granddad's place to stay; heard on news about the vaccine Rotavirus
91 days' old, you are turning 3m tml

12th week Dearest Baby TK


78 days' old, you are being 'interviewed'; went to Granddad's place to stay;
79 days' old, you have learnt to scream once you're full & wants to sleep w pacifier; Dardy reminded to give you plain water to drink
80 days' old, you still like to babble alot; taking less milk & more sleep; Grandpa bought some dried foodstuff for us; Dardy almost won an iPad for us at Forum, so bought M&S biscuits for consolation
81 days' old, your Granddad bbsit you while we attend Dharma class; you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake; Grandmum already bbsit you for 4D4N continuously
82 days' old, you are gg to Infant Care next Jan w 30% increment in fees; poos at 10p feed after changing gauze napkins
83 days' old, your Uncle R went to buy milk powder with Aunt W; poo at 10p feed
84 days' old, you poo at 6p feed & Granddad cleaned your butts

Sunday, November 28, 2010

11th week Dearest Baby TK


71 days' old, you still like to babble alot; left Granddad's house after dinner
72 days' old, you had makan w Grandpa,Grandma to celebrate Aunt yy birthdae at Restaurant; Selamat Hari Raya Haji
73 days' old, you still had difficulty feeding at night that Grandmum was kept awake; have your first 'chat-cum-photo' w Aunt S stayed at home
74 days' old, your Grandma came to bbsit you while Dardy & Marmy went for Dharma class; Little Grandaunt came to visit you w lots of makan & ice-cream
75 days' old, you went to Little Grandaunt house while sleeping; had your milk on her bed w air-con and accompanied by all your fellow cousin bros & sis
76 days' old, you are not taking med for phlegm & mucus anymore
77 days' old, you had your feed at 3a; it's 'Little snow' in lunar calendar; your Marmy & Dardy took care of you for 11 nights continuously; you cried for 'food' before 12nn; you danced to the music

Friday, November 26, 2010

Civil Servants to enjoy 'growth bonus'

2 months' salary will be paid to civil servants in Dec 2010, in addition to a 0.5-month annual variable component and a one-off payment of $300 received earlier in the year.

SVP based on individual performance - formerly known as Growth Bonus, will be given in Mar'11.
Civil Servants can look forward to 1-1.6 months' SVP. Those with poor performance will not get any SVP.

Isn't that wonderful? for the first time in my
~400 weeks or 10-yr career,
<15 weeks = I work this year
~10weeks = I get bonuses this yr

OG Storewide 20% OFF till 28 Nov 2010

*Most brands regular priced items 20% OFF. Exclusions apply. Participating price-controlled items given rebate voucher in lieu of discount. Discount not applicable to purchase of OG gift vouchers and pre-discounted items.

OG Storewide PWP
Every $50 net purchase storewide entitles you to buy one item at the exclusively reduced price.
2011 calendar with $100 and above net purchase storewide.

A Hairy-Fairy Fest

Rapunzel - A Tangled Tale
In 3D Cinemas 25 Nov & Islandwide 2 Dec 2010

A Hairy-Fairy Fest
27 Nov, 6pm
Bugis Square, Level 1

Come on down to Bugis Junction for an evening of hair-raising activities.
Take part in various games and activities such as Toss and Shake, Have Hair Will Travel, My Best Hair Day, Locks and Look Photo Me, etc for chance to win Phytodensium Travel Kit + Serum and other exciting prizes.
Don't miss a spectacular show by local hairstyling icon Jeric See.

Rapunzel - A Tangled Tale Instant Lucky Dip
Spend $120* from 19 Nov at any shop in Bugis Junction and participate in RAPUNZEL: A Tangled Tale Instant Lucky Dip to win an exclusive movie premium or a pair of movie passes.

CapitaCard Members need only charge $90* to their card to participate.

*Max 3 combined same-day receipts. Receipt(s) can only be used ONCE, and not valid for mutiple promotions. While stocks last.

Lend a Hand, Make a Blood Donation Today!

Bloodbank @HSA 11 Outram Road (opp Outram MRT Station)
Health Sciences Authority Tel: 6213 0626

Operating hours:
Tues -Thur: 9am-6.30pm
Fri: 9am-8pm
Sat: 9am-4.30pm
Sun: 9am-2pm
Closed on Mon & PH

Blood Donations can be made at the Bloodbank @HSA or at a community blood mobile*

26 Nov 2010, Fri 12pm-4pm Bloodmobile @Toa Payoh Central CC Multipurpose Hall Level 2
27 Nov 2010, Sat 10am-4pm Bloodmobile @Singapore Swimming Club (nearest Bedok MRT)
27 Nov 2010, Sat 10am-4pm Bloodmobile @Ci Yuan CC (nearest Hougang MRT)
28 Nov 2010, Sun 9am-3pm Bloodmobile @Chong Hua Tong Tou Teck Hwee (Tien Hui Prayer Hall) at 1 Bt Merah Central (Bus svs: 5,14,16,57,123,131,139,147,153,167,196,197,198,272,273,275,855 & 961)

28 Nov 2010, Sun 10am-4pm Bloodmobile @Jurong Spring CC (walking dist fm Lakeside MRT)
28 Nov 2010, Sun 10am-3pm Bloodmobile @Kolam Ayer CC (nearest Potong Pasir MRT)

*In the event of unforseen circumstances, community bloodmobile locations may be amended w/o prior notice.

Sesame Street Lovers?

Christmas at Sesame Street

1. SSC Atrium Level 1
23-28 Nov 2010

2. PS Main Atrium Level 1
30 Nov-12 Dec 2010

3. BPP Atrium Level 2
14 Dec-19 Dec 2010

Tue-Thur: 1pm & 7pm daily
Fri-Sun: 1pm, 4pm & 7pm daily

Get Your Photo Pass Now!
Spend a min of $30* at BPP, PS or SSC to redeem a Photo Pass (admits 4) to get up close and personal with Sesame Street!
CapitaCard Members need only charge $20* to redeem.

*Limited to 30 passes per session per mall. Max 3 combined  same-day-same-mall receipts/charge slips.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sizzler offer valid till end Jan 2011

$10 off! for 2 maincourses ordered
$30 off! for 4 maincourses ordered
1-FOR-1 Lunch salad bar $15.99
1-FOR-1 Dinner salad bar $19.99
All-You-Care-To-Drink Coffee Bar Hot Beaverage: Cappuccino, Espresso, Latte, Selection of Tea (Save up to $5)

All these coupons for only $6. Leave a comment here with your HP contact for 1st 3 person.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11th week Dearest Baby TK


71 days' old, you left Granddad's house after dinner;
72 days' old, you celebrated Aunt yy birthdae at Restaurant; Selamat Hari Raya Haji
73 days' old, you have your first 'chat-cum-photo' w Aunt S from M&B magazine;
74 days' old, you
75 days' old, you
76 days' old, you
77 days' old, your Marmy & Dardy took care of you for 11 nights continuously for the first time

Bb TK first time visiting Grandparents by SMRT in stroller

Erg..where're we going, Marmy?
Dardy, are we going to Grandparents' house..Yeah!
O Look! There's an UFO..no, it's a Moon..

Monday, November 15, 2010

When can I start swimming with my baby?

- Parents used to be advised to wait until their baby had had their immunisations at two, three and four months before they took their babies swimming
- government health experts no longer believe this is necessary, so it's really up to you when you start taking your baby to the pool. "There are no medical grounds for waiting until your baby is immunised
- most pools start classes at around 12 weeks," says Libby Tucker, a swimming teacher who specialises in parent and child courses
- Remember too, that a noisy public swimming pool could be daunting for your newborn, so it may be worth waiting until he's a bit older
- You will probably have to wait until you've had your six-week check before you can go yourself

What does he need to wear?

- Swim nappies are a good investment but aren't compulsory in most swimming pools
- Most pools do insist that babies wear a swimming costume of some kind though. "Don't worry if your baby has an accident, as staff will know exactly what to do," says Libby Tucker
- Water wings aren't suitable for babies under one but there are other swimming aids available for this age group

Saturday, November 13, 2010

10th week Dearest Baby TK


64 days' old, you took first maternal fami photo w/o Uncle D; Grandpa bought a rubber sheet for you
65 days' old, you wanted people to accompany & talk to you
66 days' old, you still had difficulty feeding at night that Grandmum was kept awake
67 days' old, your Uncle D getting married; you didn't poo; Grandma & Aunt yy came to bbsit; 2.5 scoops of formula milk for 6pm & 10pm feed
68 days' old, you visited Doc for phlegm; Dardy looked after you the whole night; took 1 oz 2hrly for 2am, 6am feed; poo at 7am+
69 days' old, you poo after early morn feed; Grandma bbsit you while Grandpa, Dardy & Marmy went for Temple tour
70 days' old, you poo after afternn feed; Granddad goes for hospital check-up; Dardy took pm leave & brought lunch for Marmy

Sunday, November 7, 2010

8th week Dearest Baby TK


50 days' old, you
51 days' old, you
52 days' old, you
53 days' old, you like to 'talk' and don't want to be left alone in the room
54 days' old, you pooed at 4p;
55 days' old, you
56 days' old, you still like to stare at the ceiling fan

Friday, November 5, 2010

Daily Menu for postpartum by confinement lady

8am Breakfast
chee cheong fun
fried veg beehoon
oats bread w strawberry jam & olive spread for breakfast
fried noodles w carrots and mushroom & warm soy drink
poh chai mee soup w egg
chee cheong fun & warm soy drink

12nn Lunch
steamed tofu w carrots, fried ginger & veg soup
po cai, fried ginger & veg meat & soup
multigrain porridge & cabbage w veg chicken, mushrooms & herbal soup w veg dumplings
xiao bai cai w carrots, veg chicken & herbal soup w veg mutton balls
cabbage w carrots, veg chicken & veg soup (carrots, quail eggs, potatoes, sweet corn w veg mutton balls)
red leaf vegetables & fried egg w old ginger & black bean soup
xiao bai cai w carrots & veg soup w sweet corn, pearl beans

Saturday, October 30, 2010

7th week Dearest Baby TK


43 days' old, you have your 1st doc visit for immunisation; mum is out of 40 days' confinement
44 days' old, your poo is yellow, and body is warm; nose is even more blocked
45 days' old, your sleep is disturbed and brief, and the haze with PSI 108 isn't making it better
46 days' old, you poo twice, once at noon w Grandmum, and the other in the evening w Grandma
47 days' old, Granddad & Grandmum bb sit you while Dardy & Mammy goes for dinner
48 days' old, you pooed at 4-5pm w Dardy holding you at the potty and Mammy have to clean u
49 days' old, you pooed at 6-7am towards the end of feed and smiled at Dardy and Mammy have to clean u

Monday, October 25, 2010

10% on bb products at Spring maternity

Simply email me when you do need to buy any baby product in the future..i've 10% discount..and I can get for you..if you're wondering how I get this discount privilege, you may take a look at the blog post before this..

Faulty cot mattress

I called and emailed and still get same reply..fm same personel, exactly what the manager mentioned in the email reply. Luckily for us, we kept the plastic cover and the yellow sticker on the mattress upon delivery.

After more than 2mth from the date of purchase, the seller was kind enough..after much negotiation, and agreed to arrange the supplier to exchange for us.

Bb TK hardly slept in the cot as he seemed to prefer sleeping and resting in the rocker instead.
We only realise it was faulty when Little Aunt pointed out to us during bb 1st month.

Initially, it was to have the exchange at the store, ie we bring the faulty mattress to the store and together with the plastic cover, and the yellow sticker, it is subject to conditions of the mattress for exchange. Eventually, of course, the exchange is at our place, and exchange is only possible, provided we meet the criteria: (1) the yellow label (2) the plastic cover.

Darling spent some time late at night finding high and low for it inside the household shelter after re-arranging the whole storeroom full of Bb's necessities and gifts. I vaguely remembered folding it & placing it inside a bag containing plastic & paper bags.

In the end, after the replacement, the delivery young man didn't even take a look at the plastic cover (or checked if it's the right one), and asked me upon stepping into the nursery, 'what's wrong with the mattress?'

'It's obvious that the mattress is not level by looking with naked eyes.'
The delivery man then went on to remove the mattress from the cot, and I helped to cut open the plastic cover, and he put it onto the cot for me to check the condition of the mattress, as instructed by the seller.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

7th week of motherhood


- last day of 40-day confinement
- had a slice of multigrain bread for breakfast
- checked emails, called HR to find out my leave matters, benefits and MC record and updated journal
- darling bath Bb TK before work and Bro came to help send Bb shower cakes to my office w mum
- dad not feeling well since morning
- had red bean bun & spaghetti for lunch
- had biscuits for tea1
- had blackbean soup w veg dumplings for dinner
- had pasta w seaweed, pearl beans & c for dinner (mum left after making dinner just before darling came home)
- had 2 pieces of biscuits for supper

- had poh chai mee soup and warm cereals drink for breakfast
- had spaghetti angel hair for brunch
- darling bought a big packet of fried beehoon for late lunch
- brought bb TK to My Family Clinic for immunisation jabs w darling
- weather was getting worse & warmer
- had pasta w seaweed, pearl beans & caixin for dinner

- had a slice of multigrain bread w olive spread for breakfast
- napped after putting bb TK to sleep and updated journal
- magazine interview next mth for next Jan issue
- pa came to visit bb TK while i'm in the bath

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dearest daddies & mummies

bb TK received lots of gifts and angbaos before and..on dat day, and the gifts as follow are special..

1. Rose hand made a bb hamper of pampers diapers, cloth, shoes, bibs and clothes..w 6m+ toy & biscuits
2. Horiana gave bb gal's dress and clothes..for my #2
3. food warmer fm alvin's uncle
4. mummyhood advice fm alvin's cou YB
5. bb stroller fm Aunt L
6. chong cao herbs w ginseng & bb cot fm FIL
7. Korean ginseng fm fren and mum to 7mth+ old kacie
8. lots of 700g refill packs+900g S26 formula milk, dried green bean shells pillow, $12 pearl powder & clip-on fan w batteries fm bro
9. ankle bracelet fm bro & SIL
10. nasal aspirator fm alvin's cou XH & CIL
11. tupperware hamper fm ex-parent helper now AE (allied educator)
12. shoppings vchr fm both alvin & my office, colleagues, dharma classmates n alvin's frens
13. bird's nest fm cou CC
14. some of hand-me-down clothes n beach toys & wear..
15. infants clothes..& rattle toys..
16. disposable diapers & tin of 900g S26 formula milk powder fm Aunt Irene
17. e-dog which can 'bark' and move fm MIL's fren..
18. green frog baby gym fm neighbour
19. Baby & child parenting book fm alvin's colleague
20. Baby magazines, pregnancy tips, bb shoes and rental of maternity wear fm TK's mum colleague

eerg..erg..arg..arg..(I love you all)

Reasonable prices for Child Immunisation jabs

*1. My Family Clinic

New 6-in-1 package $342 nett (incl Hep B 2nd dose)
3 doses at 1.5mth, 3mth & 5mth
Consulation fee $18
Total fee: $360
Total: 3 clinic visits, 4 jabs (incl Hep A 1st dose at 0m) 

5-in-1 $98.50 each (incl Hep B 3rd dose $28.50 each)
3 doses at 3mth, 4mth & 5mth
Hep B 2nd dose at 1mth + 3rd dose at 6mth $57
Consulation fee $18
Total fee: $295.50 + $57= $352.50 (less 2 clinic visits, less 2 jabs, less $7.50)

Total: 5 clinic visits, 6 jabs (incl Hep A 1st dose at 0m) 

Pneumococcal package:
$170 each
$490 for 3 doses ( >6mth)
$640 for 4 doses (2-6mth)

at 15mth, MMR $34.50 each
at 18mth, 5-in-1

2. Polyclinic
6-in-1 package $360 (excl Hep B 2nd dose $22) 

$160 each for 3 doses
Total fee: $480


These are the common scheduled vaccination for babies and their respective charges.

Type of Vaccinations

Between 1st and 2nd month

Hep B 2nd dosage

Singaporean & PR $22
NR $26

3rd month

Doctor Developmental Assessment

 DPT, Oral Sabin – Poliomyelitis

Singaporean FOC
PR $12.50
NR $25.50

Singaporean FOC
PR $20.00
NR $40.80

Oral Sabin
Singaporean FOC
PR $7.50
NR $15.30

4th month

DPT, Oral Sabin – Poliomyelitis

Singaporean FOC
PR $20.00
NR $40.80

Oral Sabin
Singaporean FOC
PR $7.50
NR $15.30

5th month

DPT, Oral Sabin – Poliomyelitis

Singaporean FOC
PR $20.00
NR $40.80

Oral Sabin
Singaporean FOC
PR $7.50
NR $15.30

6th month

 Hep B 3rd dosage

Singaporean & PR $22
NR $26

9th month

 Developmental Assessment

Singaporean FOC
PR $12.50
NR $25.50

15th month

 MMR – Mumps, Measles & Rubella

Singaporean FOC
PR $15
NR $25.50

18th month

Doctor Developmental Assessment

DPT, Oral Sabin – Poliomyelitis

Singaporean FOC
PR $12.50
NR $25.50

Singaporean FOC
PR $20.00
NR $40.80

Oral Sabin
Singaporean FOC
PR $7.50
NR $15.30

In summary, all recommended immunisations under the NCIP (except Hepatitis B and Pneumococcal) are fully subsidised and provided free of charge at all polyclinics for children who are Singapore citizens. All immunisations can be paid using CDA account. Only Hep B vaccinations and Pneumococcal vaccinations can be paid via Medisave. For further assistance on Baby Bonus, you may visit https://www.babybonus.gov.sg/bbss/html/index.html

Enhanced Immunisation program 

NHG Polyclinics offers the 6-in-1 & 5-in-1 vaccination package which will be further advised by the nurse attending to your child during your 1st visit.

6-in-1 Package is priced at $360.00 (inclusive of 7% GST) for Singapore residents, PRs, and for foreigners.

Friday, October 15, 2010

NoseFrida to save the day

The snotsucker

Bb TK has his first try with the snotsucker this morning with mummy sucking out a M+ size mucus. 2 days ago, he sneezed a M size mucus.
Easy to use and no fuss.

6th week Dearest Baby TK


36 days' old, you have learnt to eh eh when you need the potty to pee
37 days' old, you eh eh ah or when dardy kissed you in the morning; Grandpa came to visit you after dinner
38 days' old, you sneezed a few times in the day; didn't like the F**** formula milk powder mixed into your milk
39 days' old, you had stuck nose, and mummy had to use the snotsucker to 'rescue' you
40 days' old, you still hv abit phlegm in the throat; mummy used the snotsucker again
41 days' old, mummy had to use the snotsucker 3rd time as you've abit mucus in left nostrils
42 days' old, you had your CDA top-up of $500 at ION branch

Thursday, October 14, 2010

5th week Dearest Baby TK


29 days' old, you lifted up your head while lying on the Baby Gym; tried to turn to your side while being dressed
30 days' old, your Grandmum came to take care of you after Aunt Yong left
31 days' old, you turn 1 month old
32 days' old, you slept w Dardy and Bamby in your room for the first time
33 days' old, your bb shower cakes arrived, and we visited Granddad & Grandmum for the first time
34 days' old, you poo poo in your napkins till the stools became 'rock'
35 days' old, you visited mum's work place w grandmum to deliver your baby shower cakes

4th week Dearest Baby TK


22 days' old, Grandpa came to visit you before gg to buy groceries w Dardy
23 days' old, you made a loud sound when we're not with you in the living room
24 days' old, you urinated soon after feed, and subsequently hourly till the next feed
25 days' old, you celebrated your 1st Children's Day (wai po came to visit you w gifts)
26 days' old, Grandpa came to visit you & bought groceries w Dardy after Dardy bathed you
27 days' old, you had your 1st month celebration (in advance)
28 days' old, you were so tired after the bash yesterday, you slept so soundly while we unwrapped your presents

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

20 Things to note for buffet catering at home for bb 1st month

(A) Drinks
1. if you've big water container, can mix own orange syrup, and a smaller one for plain water.
2. make a few bags (using small clear plastic bags, those for take away food carriers, half filled with water) of ice 1-2 days in advance.
3. have someone in-charge to make say, coffee if your guests prefer hot beverage
4. have big thermal flask of hot water ready.

(B) Food
5. order more veg if your guests prefer greens to mock meat.
6. have someone in-charge of replenishing food say, pan-fried veg spring rolls, pan-fried samosa, mini buns for snacks, pan-fried pototoes in case you need to top up the veg curry etc

7. have someone in-charge of the buffet table table say, keep the fuel burning to keep food warm, see if the cold drinks needs to be topped up..
8. have someone in-charge of the disposables eg. plates, cups, chopsticks, spoons, dessert spoons, bowls etc and the trash bags.

(C) Others

9. have someone in-charge of keeping the angbaos and writing down the names of the ppl giving so you've record for future reference.
10. have someone in-charge of carrying and showing off your bb
11. have someone in-charge of taking photos of all guests w bb, together with their gifts..some don't write names on the big presents..
12. have someone in-charge of entertaining the guests, show them around, find the washroom..and see to the guests' needs eg. fans, air-con..
13. have someone in-charge of running to the nearest supermarket to get food if need..
14. have someone in-charge of serving you and byran food and drinks..you maybe too tired and bz to go find food..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Overall Weight gain during 1st pregnancy Sep 2010

- first trimester
12th week: I weigh 41kg, gained ?kg

- second trimester
20th week: ?kg
21st week: AVM no weight gain
24th week: 0.7kg, foetus gained 0.5kg; I weigh ?kg, gained 0.5kg

- third trimester
28th week: 1.2kg, foetus gained 0.5kg; I weigh 44.7kg, gained 0.5kg
31st week: 1.7kg, foetus gained 0.5kg; I weigh 45.8kg, gained 1.1kg
33rd week: 2kg, foetus gained 0.3kg; I weigh ?kg, gained 1.2kg
35th week: 2.3kg, foetus gained 0.4kg; I weigh 47kg, gained 0.4kg
36th week: 2.5kg; I weigh ?kg, gained 0.4kg
38th week: 2.75kg, foetus gained 0.275kg; I weigh 49.1kg, gained 1.7kg
39th week: 2.8kg, foetus gained 0.05kg; no weight gain
40th week: 2.9kg; I weigh 49.4kg, gained 0.3kg
40th week: 2.9kg; I weigh 49.8kg, gained 0.4kg

Total weight gained: 8-9kg

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pregnancy wheel

- at week 1-4 of pregnancy, conception occurs about 2 weeks after last menstrual period
- at 4 weeks, embryo weighs less than 30g
- pregnancy test may be positive

- at week 5-8 of pregnancy, baby's major organs and central nervous system begin to form
- facial features - eyes, ears and mouth start to develop
- brain cells growing rapidly
- pregnant mum has tender breasts, frequent urination, nausea

- at week 9-12 of pregnancy, baby begins to move
- head is abt 1/2 of total body length
- genitals can be recognised as male or female by the end of week 12
- toes, fingers, nose, lips and chin begin to form
- pregnant mum experience tiredness, weight gain

- at week 13-16 of pregnancy, soft cartilage in abdomen starts becoming bone
- skin is thin and transparent
- kidneys begin to function
- pregnant mum has headaches, vaginal secretions noticeable

- at week 17-20 of pregnancy, heartbeat can be heard
- fingernails, toenails, eyelashes and eyebrows formed
- baby can smile and squint
- fingerprints start to form
- pregnant mum feel nausea and vomitting usually stop, energy level picks up

Sunday, October 3, 2010

3rd week Dearest Baby TK


15 days' old, your arms and legs gained freedom and you are dancing
16 days' old, you poo once at night and again at noon
17 days' old, you feel safer & sleep better w arms in the oversized pants
18 days' old, your pus-like thing below your lip is healing fast
19 days' old, your Dardy learns to bathe you in the evening
20 days' old, your baby full month celebration buffet catering is 90% done
21 days' old, you poo alot in the 'tum tong' (potty)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vegetarian Buffet

1. Zi Zai Vegetarian (Woodlands)
Tel: 6365 4419
Mobile: 9799 5232

8 dishes, includes 1 fried bee hoon, 1 fried rice and 1 kind of drink eg. soya bean or ching chow
S$9.50 per pax
Transport fees

2. Zi Zai Vegetarian (Yishun)
Tel: 6640 3346
Blk 236 Yishun Ring Rd

15-20 pax
8 dishes, includes 1 fried bee hoon, 1 fried rice and 1 kind of drink eg. soya bean or ching chow
S$9.80 - S$10.80 per pax
Transport fees

3. Zi Zai Vegetarian (Tampines)Tel: 6781 1820
Blk 801 Tampines Ave 4 #01-281

*4. Da Zi Ran Su Shi Zi Zhu Tao Can Nature Vegetarian Delights Pte Ltd

Tel: 6487 7895 fax: 6487 5717
Blk 356 Hougang Ave 7 #01-803 S(530356)

Tel: 6553 4719
Blk 409 Sin Ming Ave #02-01 S(570409)

Tel: 6274 7505
Blk 112 Bukit Pumei Rd #01-201 S(090112)

Tel: 6286 8028
No. 37 Teck Chye Terrace S(545734)


- $10 for 8 dishes, $13 for 10 dishes (does not incl GST)
- free delivery for order 35 pax and above otherwise S$50
- make full payment upon delivery
- do not provide stools for rental
- 2 tables with table cloth for food setup
- Price include table setup for food, disposable plates, cutleries, serviettes and rubbish bag

5. Chi Zai Su Shi YuanTel: 6846 4838
Blk 332 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 #01-1881 S(560332)

6. Miaoyi Vegetarian RestaurantBukit Timah Coronation Plaza

*my choice

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Pearl Powder

The Pearl Powder is a natural source of calcium from the choicest freshwater pearls bred in the Taihu Lake near Suzhou. Pearl powder has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to soothe inflamed tissues, promote union by detoxification, calm the liver, clear away liver-fire, tranquilize the mind, brighten the eyes, alleviate spasms and tremors.

- applied topically to ease inflammation and promote healing
- used for redness and irritation of the skin in conditions like nappy rash, moist eczema, and other wet skin conditions
- can be mixed with an emollient for dry or flay skin conditions
- also applied to minor open wounds to accelerate healing
- especially good for chronic non-healing ulcers and sores

- used internally for spirit disturbances and tremors or spasms from internal wind
- particularly good for easy fright, fearfulness, anxiety and palpitations and insomnia
- for visual weakness, inflammation of the eyes or growths over the eye

First time Dad bathing Newborn TK

Darling learning how to bath Bb TK Step 2: Cleaning Face
Step 3: Washing head & hair

Saturday, September 25, 2010

3rd week of motherhood


- had poh chai mee & fried egg w mushroom for breakfast
- 22nd time expressed 4.5oz of milk after breakfast
- napped after lunch but can't fall asleep, SMSed fren abt subscribing to phoenix IDD
- 23rd time expressed 4.6oz of milk after lunch
- dharma fren just out of cf and NB bb shower just over (2nd child boy born on 15 Aug, at wk 38)
- had dau ghee w veg meat & black bean soup for dinner
- updated expenses and blog
- 24th time expressed 4.6oz of milk before sleep

- 25th time expressed 3.7oz of milk at 6plus in the morning (having bad dreams these days and woke up after shouted loudly)
- had fried noodles & warm soy drink for breakfast (feet still swollen after delivery)
- sorted photos in the PC and sorted the receipts of expenses
- Nursing Home called to say they've sent Uncle to the hospital, doc called at 9.17am to say Uncle suffered from major stroke
- had warm soy drink for tea1
- had veg pig's stomach 'zhu du3' w xiao bai cai, mushroom, tofu for lunch
- napped and rested on bed & SMSed to Uncle's colleague friends to inform of hospitalisation
- 26th time expressed 4.3oz of milk
- had dow meow & soup for dinner
- darling went to buy fruits for offering (Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow)
- had korean ginseng soup for supper
- 27th time expressed 5.2oz of milk

- recycling collection this morning (the worker had a cigarette in his mouth & carrying another bag from our Korean neighbour)
- 28th time expressed 4.25oz of milk at 4plus in the morning
- had warm soy drink and pancake w french beans for breakfast
- cf lady helped to change the bedsheets and pillow cases (changed last month before delivery)
- had potatoes w veg dau ghee & veg soup w sweet corn, pearl beans, veg dumplings, carrots for lunch

Monday, September 20, 2010

2nd week Dearest Baby TK


8 days' old, you continue to suck your own tongue
9 days' old, darling bought plain flour for confinement nanny to rub on your body
10 days' old, you are sleeping better at night
11 days' old, your umblical cord is almost coming off
12 days' old, your umblical cord is hanging by thin 'thread' of skin, & finally drop by late afternn; had many visitors after dinner
13 days' old, Aunt Koh SB visited 2nd time, oni to see you and carry you 1st time
14 days' old, you have your 2nd nail trim and Grandma visited you & sang songs to you, and you wear your new diaper pants for the first time w napkin, Grandpa came to visit you w pomelo & veg mooncakes

Friday, September 17, 2010

2nd week of motherhood


- had fried noodles w carrots and mushroom & hot soy drink for breakfast
- had xiao bai cai w carrots & herbal soup w veg mutton balls for lunch
- called to make gynae postnatal consultation and towel bathed
- 5th time expressed 4.33oz of milk after lunch
- had veg chicken w mushrooms & veg soup for dinner

- 6th time expressed 4oz of milk
- had poh chai mee w egg for breakfast
 - had cabbage w carrots, veg chicken & veg soup (carrots, quail eggs, potatoes, sweet corn w veg mutton balls) for lunch
- 7th time expressed 4.06oz of milk after lunch
- darling had applied BC for little TK (bb gg to see doc if unwell)

- napped after cleaned up & darling bought $10 'jing feng san3' nearby (pa called to say TCM near his hs sell at $16 maybe better quality)
- had oats bread w strawberry jam & breastmilk for tea
- had call from F**** to receive a free 900g tin of formula milk stage 1
- had veg chicken w black ear fungus w potatoes, tofu w mixed veg & veg soup for dinner
- darling went to buy groceries w pa (2% Elderly & BYOB discount & items on offer) & saved $3.20 (had an apple)
- 8th time expressed 3oz of milk

- 9th time expressed 3.72oz of milk
- had chee cheong fun & soy drink for breakfast
- warm in the morn w no wind
- darling went to buy plain flour as Aunt suspect bb may be feeling discomfort around the shoulder blades & whole body (to rub) for his frequent cries
- cleared bowels (later gg to gynae consultation w ma)
- dark clouds at 9am and heavy downpour (went to nap)
- 10th time expressed 2.23oz of milk
- had red leaf vegetables & fried egg w old ginger & black bean soup for lunch
- watched abit of TV and napped again after updating expenses and journal (had oats bread sandwich w fried egg & soy drink for tea)
- 2nd time wiped hair scalp with herbal bath solution (wet towel dry after lunch)
- took a cab to the gynae w ma ($5 fare) and darling came shortly before it's our turn (quite a crowd at the gynae)
- gynae said the wound is healing well
- little bb TK has some stuck to his back and shoulders after rubbing plain flour w water and abit on his chest (will be gone after a few days)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1st week Dearest Baby TK


at birth, you frown, raised your eyebrow and smiled at dardy, before crying..

1 day old, you had your 1st injection of BCG on your left buttock
2 days' old, you had your 1st injection of Hep B
3 days' old, you turn your head from side to side in bb cot, such strong neck muscles..
4 days' old, confinement nanny says you stood on both feet while she showered you..
5 days' old, you had the 1st taste of Woodwards Gripe Water..
6 days' old, you're napping briefly after 2nd shower at 5plus 6 in the evening..and after 7lus..
7 days' old, you're still not sleeping enough..your BC is ready, CDA acct will be ready in 3wks' time..

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thich Nhat Hanh - Public Talk Live from Singapore - SE Asia Talk 2010

This talk from Thay was given on Friday, September 10th 2010 on the third day of the Singapore retreat "The Art of Living Happily in the Here and Now"
Made possible by the Plum Village International Online Monastery team and the Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery

Topic: Peaceful Mind Open Heart - The Art of Living Happily in the Here and Now

Key notes:- Dharma body, fa sheng means our practice
- may still be weak causing us inability to cope with daily lives
- we all have dharma body, with strong dharma body, we can help ourselves and others eliminate suffering
- bring your dharma body wherever you go

- Living Dharma means practical ways brought by right mindfulness even when walking
- you produce your living dharma by your practice
- ask ourselves if our living dharma is strong
- if strong no fear about difficulties

- right mindfulness will help strengthen our dharma body
- best way is to practise with the sangha
- true sangha is community that has synergy
- sangha can include the laypeople
- can produce right mindfulness, concentration and wisdom
- thus produce the living dharma, which produces the living buddha

Saturday, September 11, 2010

1st week of motherhood


- woke up at 4.40am and 6.55am to go to the washroom
- going to gynae to induce delivery w mum in the morning
- had 2 pc oats bread for breakfast
- mum bought a pkt of rice from Novena Sq Lingzhi Vege Restaurant and we shared
- we bought bought a pkt of bread (she was buying for dad, and me bought for darling as he may feel hungry tonight when I'm delivering, but we finished half pkt while waiting at the gynae)
- had 2 doses of pill inserted to induce delivery and felt slight contraction by 3plus
- reached home 4.10pm and mum prepared potato soup for dinner
- admitted tonight w darling at 7plus after abit leakage

- BC registration at TMC is $39.40 while at ICA is $18 (within 42 days after Singaporean child is born)
- bb born after midnight (~5h) and weigh ~3kg vaginal birth w/o epidural
- longest hour of my life when nurse Ms. Wang told me that I need to wait for another centimetre of dialation at 11pm- bb born before 12 midnight is charged for that day in hospital
- finally I can push at 11.45pm (~50min) but it was like the longest marathon I ever had (10km in ~67min) and very breathless

- nurse came to check my tummy (pressing on it was uurrrggghfully pain lor) and blood pressure 3 times in the night
- had to urinate latest by 6.30am or have to insert tube (so sip warm water obediently)
- darling lunch @Dolcevita at Mandarin oriental
- families & collegues came to visit and not all got to see little bb (by 2pm and by 8pm) as visiting hours are over (10am - 2pm; 4pm - 8pm)
- had minimal painkillers and doc said the wound healing well

- passed motion finally w/in 48h of labour (had been passing wind since)
- the food is good except I only got to enjoy once the veg fish and green papaya soup for morn tea (complimentary for breastfeeding mums)
- weather was cool and raining outside (felt cold & abit backache at night)
- suspect the mattress had to be flipped and turned upside down, bottom top but nurse said no need, so I requested for extra blanket to tuck beneath my back
- darling and family came to visit (pa & ma carried little bb and darling too and ma tried to feed for the first time)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Healthy diet for a young junior

- provide a wide variety of wholegrains such as oats, brown rice, corn and wholemeal bread and pasta
- young children should consume at least 2 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, esp those high in vitamin C like broccoli, citrus fruits and strawberries

- introduce protein-rich foods such as eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds, red meat and chicken
- olive oil and oily fish contain healthy fats
- supplements should not replace a healthy balanced diet and should be given after consulting your doc

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Vegetarian Pig’s Trotters and Groundnut Soup or Porridge


pig’s trotters Vegetarian dau ghee
200 g fresh groundnuts
1 spoonful of Chinese vinegar


   1. Clean and split the trotters.
   2. Boil and simmer with groundnuts in water.
   3. Add a pinch of salt and vinegar.
   4. Cook until it becomes soft.
   5. Rice can be added to make porridge.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Win 1 month’s supply of Nestlé CERELAC®!*

Nestlé CERELAC® is the First and Only infant cereals with Bifidus BL® and Immunonutrients™. Discover why they are so important here.

This September, Nestlé Baby Club would love to delight 30 lucky members with 1 month’s supply of Nestlé CERELAC®!*

To win, simply answer this question: Nestlé CERELAC® is the First and Only infant cereals with Bifidus BL® and Immunonutrients™. True or False?

Email your answer by 30 Sep 2010 to nestlebaby@sg.nestle.com with the following details:

• Subject Title: Win 1 month’s supply of Nestlé CERELAC®
• Full Name
• I/C Number
• Contact Number
• Mailing Address

*Important to note:
• Lucky draw date is 1 Oct 2010
• Variants of infant cereals will be decided by Nestlé Singapore Pte Ltd
• Winners will be notified via email
• Judges’ decision is final

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How can ordinary people learn to be happy

- walking meditation is very pleasant, transforming and healing
- almost everyone can do walking meditation, even in a wheelchair
- it includes your body and mind & your breath
- you'll become fully present, fully alive, and get closer to the happiness you're seeking

~Thich Nhat Hanh

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Invitation to Piano Recital at Klaviesta 2010 Piano Festival

- Azariah is hearing impaired yet he won the first prize in the piano section of the National Arts Council competition
- studying in the Music Conservatory in NUS and gives many performances around the world
- You, your family and friends are cordially invited to attend an evening of classical piano music
- Azariah will perform works by Bach, Scarlatti, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninoff and Prokofiev
Details are as follows:

Date: Thursday, September 9, 2010
Time:  7:30pm - 9:00pm
Venue: SMU Arts & Culture Centre (Basement Level of the Singapore Mgt U School of Economics - School of Sciences Block– Opposite Rendezvous Hotel & Cathay Cinema)

Map: map
Admission is  F R E E  of charge, however:
Registration is required: order-your-tickets

When to seek medical help for bb

- 0-3 mths, the body resistance of the baby is relatively low
- a usually mild illness can become serious if it is not noticed early and treated properly
- consult your doctor if your baby shows any of the following symptoms:

   1. Fever >38 Deg C
   2. Not active and feeding poorly
   3. Frequent, recurrent vomiting
   4. Diarrhoea
   5. Frequent cough
   6. Poor weight gain
   7. Persistent tilt of the head to one side

- Fever in a baby <2 mths old may indicate a serious infection
- Your baby should be seen by the doctor as soon as possible

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wagyu cattle and its rearing story

- do wagyu cows listen to music daily, and eat apples and receive massage?
- world popular wagyu cattle is bred and how is the beef graded?
- a farm has about 1500 top-grade wagyu cattle (black wagyu cattle) in Kagoshima, Japan
- 7am in the morning and 7 deg C in the streets
- sun sets at 4.30pm in Autumn

- before entering the farm, everyone has to gear up from head to toe in white caps and robes
- the robes are meant to ward off external diseases and illnesses
- workers wear uniforms that they can't take out of the farm

- the Japanese shower wagyu cattle with devoted care in rearing them
- they provide the cattle with a comfortable environment to grow 24/7 and 365 days a year
- the wagyu cattle listen to music and feel relaxed, which improves the beef texture and becomes more tender
- to breed superb wagyu beef, even the water for the cattle's consumption is monitored

- the cattle eat organic hay
- grains made from natural ingredients and protein-rich wheat and feed are fed to the cattle
- the cattle is strong and healthy

Biofactors for Young Children

- on average, children grow 5-6 cm per year during their preschool and early school years
- most healthy children also gain between 2-3 kg each year

- as young children grow, they’re building “bone mass”—the bone tissue in their skeleton
- most bone mass accumulates during childhood and adolescence
- helping bones reach maximum strength and density reduces the risk of childhood fractures and adult osteoporosis—a disease that causes bones to become fragile and break easily

- calcium is essential to developing bone mass
- studies indicate that young children often consume less calcium than is recommended

- calcium, along with biofactors that promote its absorption
- besides fortified with vitamin D, a balanced addition of phosphorus and low saturated fat levels
- too much phosphorus can interfere with calcium absorption, as can saturated fat

- zinc is another biofactor that is important for growth
- specifically, zinc triggers reactions for more than 300 body enzymes involved in growth, and there are studies that have found a positive link between zinc and gains in weight and height

Biofactors for Toddlers

- although growth rates slow after the first birthday, toddlers still experience significant growth
- they won‘t have a growth spurt this big again until they are teenagers

- during this time, calcium and vitamin D are essential for growing bones
- the diets of many toddlers fall short of the requirements for these nutrients
- the incidence of rickets—a disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency that can cause children’s bones to become deformed—peaks in the 1- to 3-year-old age group

- a biofactors blend that helps ensure that your toddler absorbs calcium—it has the right amounts of vitamin D and the mineral phosphorus
- low in saturated fat, a kind of fat that can hinder calcium absorption is recommended

- zinc is another biofactor important for growth
- if children do not have enough zinc in their diets, their growth is slowed

- children’s nutritional needs change as they grow, and toddler eating habits can be irregular & unpredictable
- toddlers can be at risk of nutritional deficiencies as they tend to become selective about what they eat & their food consumption varies

Biofactors for Older Infants

- breastfeeding is the best possible way of meeting your infant’s nutritional needs
- nature safeguards babies’ growth and health by providing the most complete food
- breast milk contains everything a young infant needs to develop & thrive

- human milk is a complex blend of over 200 biofactors
- biofactors are nutrients and ingredients that enhance growth, health, and development
- although each biofactor is individually important, it takes a unique combination of biofactors to provide superior nutrition for older infants

- as weaning begins, solid foods should be an addition to—not a replacement for—usual milk
- many experts recommend the use of follow-on formula to ensure that weaning infants meet the minimum requirements for essential nutrients
- biofactors that optimally suit their developmental needs from age 6 months onward

- no one ingredient makes a follow-on formula unique compared to other formulas
- it’s the optimal combination of biofactors in balanced amounts that supports your child’s health and development today and enhances future potential

Monday, August 30, 2010

Biofactors for Young Infants

- breastfeeding is the best possible way of meeting your infant’s nutritional needs
- nature safeguards babies’ growth and health by providing the most complete food
- breast milk contains everything a young infant needs to develop & thrive

- human milk is a complex blend of over 200 biofactors
- biofactors are nutrients and ingredients that enhance growth, health, & development
- although each biofactor is individually important, the unique combination of biofactors is what makes human milk nature’s ideal nutrition for babies

- during the first 3 months of life, most babies gain 170-225 grams a week!
- during the next 3 months, their growth rate slows a bit, but they still gain about 140-170 grams weekly

- protein is a key component of the nutrition babies need to fuel their growth
- proteins are made up of amino acids—the building blocks that our bodies use to make their own unique proteins and other compounds

What are Biofactors?

- nutrients and ingredients that enhance growth, health, & development
- human milk is a complex blend of over 200 biofactors

- although each biofactor is individually important, the unique combination of biofactors is what makes human milk nature’s ideal nutrition for babies
- when babies are not breastfed, parents look for a high-quality formula that will promote healthy growth & development

Bonito and its cultivation

- Japanese use bonito to give their broth a fragrant and oceantic flavour
- 3am the freshly caught bonito arrived at the port
- crowds usually gather to bid for fish laid out there
- as the weather may get bad sometimes, and the sea is very choppy, very few trawlers will be docking
- more ships may be arriving shortly

- Makurazaki City faces East Sea
- the fishing port churns out over 120,000 tonnes of seafood a year
- 7500 trawlers and rich marine products remain abundant on rainy days
- bond herring are unique to Kagoshima and don't smell fishy at all

- there's a myriad of familiar fish being towed in, such as sardines and mackerel
- 128 kg of sardines are brought in daily
- a ritual --the fish aution-- exists with bonito the first to go on the block

- in Singapore, fishmongers use hand signs to keep their bidding prices a secret
- fishmongers in Makurazaki write their bidding prices on small wooden sticks and toss them to the wholesaler

Grapes and its cultivation

- urbanites love to indulge in a glass of red wine after dinner
- exquisite and fragrant red wine is balanced in body and structure
- it offers inmeasurable gastronomic enjoyment
- wine begins with the cultivation of grapes

- different kinds of grapes must grow in different types of soil
- grapes of the highest quality will grow in abundance
- sound management and ideal climate produce top-quality grapes that can be fermented into great wine
- drinking a little glass of red wine a day helps blood circulation
- the quality of grapes determines the quality of wine

- seasonal climate for cultivation affects the ripeness and quality of grapes
- low temperature may result in frost; humidity and rainfall also affect the cultivation of grapes
- grapes are cultivated through propagation of vines
- takes 5-6 years to bear fruit

- a rod is tied to enable the sapling to creep up and prevent it from drooping
- farmers fertilise and water the crops daily using completely unprocessed fertilisers
- an enormous amount of grapes are squashed daily

Shitake mushroom and its cultivation

- Sendai Japan is located in Miyagi prefecture
- largest city in the Tohoku (northeast) region and the pace is not as hectic as Tokyo's
- a back garden that even the Japanese adore

- February is the best season to have oysters and strawberries in Sendai
- Wasabi and shitake mushrooms also flourish there
- a family there has won 2 accolades for the shitake mushrooms they grow
- they're apparently very solid and fragrant
- the mushrooms flesh are very thick and even those dried
- the mushrooms are cultivated in the backyard of the family's house

- traditionally grown on logs but is rarely used nowadays
- logs with more white pith provide more nutrients for shitake mushrooms
- picking quality logs is the first step in the cultivation of shitake mushrooms

- after making selection, the farmer drills holes in the logs
- the holes must be equally spread out and bear the same diameter
- if the holes are too close, the shitake mushrooms will cram together and not grow healthily
- this is the fungi of shitake mushrooms and we'll take them out and stuff them into the holes we have dug

Oysters and its cultivation

- Sendai Japan is located in Miyagi prefecture
- largest city in the Tohoku (northeast) region and the pace is not as hectic as Tokyo's
- a back garden that even the Japanese adore

- February is the best season to have oysters and strawberries in Sendai
- Matsushima Bay, Japan is well-known for breeding oysters
- it is reputedly one of the top three most scenic areas in Japan
- the lookout point gives a bird's eye view of the entrancing bay
- through the thick fog, a different kind of beauty emerges in front of one's eyes

- Matsushima Bay produces an enormous amount of oysters due to its natural environment
- salt and fresh water interface where the bay merges with the Pacific Ocean
- this is extremely suitable for the breeding of oysters
- some people claim that oysters breed best in months with the number '2'

- every country has different methods of catching oysters
- besides having a booming fishing industry, the area is a tourist attraction
- one can see a unique natural phenomenon
- from February to 15 Aug every year flocks of seagulls converge there

Trout and its cultivation

- Sendai Japan is located in Miyagi prefecture
- largest city in the Tohoku (northeast) region and the pace is not as hectic as Tokyo's
- a back garden that even the Japanese adore

- trout require more time and effort to breed and hence not as common as salmon
- the reason has to do with its habitat
- people have said trout breeding farms in Fukushima, Sendai are worth a visit
- trout can also be found in Singapore but people seldom eat trout as it's more expensive
- salmon and trout belong to the same family

- the water is fresh and clean and is pumped from Abuguma-gawa
- red trout eggs are housed there and they have high sanitary requirements
- outsiders are barred from entering lest the trout eggs are attacked by bacteria
- a trout reared for approximately 3 years is about 70 centimetres long and weighs 4 kg
- it can fetch about 8000-9000 yen (S$140 or S$35 per kg)

- such expensive food is not sold on a massive scale
- the fish farm goes by orders to catch the trout, slaughter, and pack them in ice before delivering them to restaurants
- it can be made into sashimi
- it has less fat than salmon and has a lighter taste
- the flesh is chewy and refreshingly sweet

40th week of Pregnancy


- woke up 2am and 5.53am to go to the washroom (weather is unbearingly warm) & took 3 dates feeling very hungry
- ma will be coming over to accompany me this evening
- had multigrain bread for breakfast & took a pkt of wang wang biscuits for tea1
- finished reading 1 magazine+1 recipe book borrowed from NLB
- mum bought brown rice w veg fish and potatoes for lunch (had a ripe avocado each after lunch)
- feeling abit sleepy at 11plus in the morning and 2plus after lunch
- mum cooked white rice w potatoes, xiao bai cai for dinner (veg fish from lunch)
- napped for more than an hour before dinner at 6plus
- aunt came to visit and bought durians (had 2big+3small for the first time this pregnancy)
- foetal movements were noticeable at 10plus after dinner (read abit before sleep)

- woke up at 3am, 5.10am and 7.15am to go to the washroom (foetal movements were felt)
- staff dinner this evening at Holiday Inn Atrium@Outram (took bus 56, transfer bus 5 opp TMC, alight at Grand Copthorne Hotel)
- had multigrain bread for breakfast & rice w veg fish for tea1 (bro drove us there)

- mum gg to gynae with me in the morning (darling taking pm leave) after gg w dad in bro's car to pray
- had brown rice for lunch w lots of veg (potatoes, brinjal, long beans, lady's fingers, dou pau etc)
- little one is ~2.9kg while I've gained ~300g (49.4kg) & next gynae appt on Fri (can induce delivery anytime)