Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Childbirth experience 2

Read an article on the following:
- doc recommended inducing my baby's birth in my 38th week of pregnancy after baby stopped growing in my womb.
- doc used plastic long stick, with the end curved like dinosaur bones to break my waterbag.
- felt throbbing on-off tummy ache at around 2.30am, not knowing that I was having contractions.

- 2 hours later, the pain felt like menstrual cramp except it was 100 times worst.
- nurse said contractions were once every 3 minutes.
- asked for epidural as I couldn't take the pain anymore.
- the epidural dosage lasted only about 2 hours and I felt the urge to push at around 7am.

- nurse stopped me as gynaecologist hasn't arrive yet.
- felt like I desperately needed to poo but couldn't because there was no toilet.

Childbirth experience 3:

- had read a lot to prepare myself for pregnancy, labour and motherhood.
- had 3 elder sisters to advise me.
- did not expect the painful experience of being checked for dilation.

- when the nurses and doc were checking for dilation, I thought I was going to die.
- I thought I would rely on gas rather than epidural for fear of perpetual backache after that.
- finally caved in and opted for the jab before it was too late

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