Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, August 23, 2010

Developmental Overview: Ages 10-14

5 areas of developmental stages for 10-14yrs

Intellectual Development

    * Most kids enjoy the social aspects of learning
- this works well when teachers encourage learning in small groups

    * Around ages 11-13, shifts occur in kids’ thinking
- keep them engaged in school & learning
- encourage their curiosity
- many are strongly influenced by friends, so if they have friends who only want to socialize and not learn, emphasize the importance of having friends & working hard to learn

    * Many kids move from “concrete” thinking to “abstract” thinking
- concrete thinkers focus on the here and now, such as a particular house cat
- abstract thinkers focus on issues that are disassociated from a specific instance
- an abstract thinker can talk about domestic & wild cats, how they’re similar and different, and which ones they believe have more skills than others

    * have strong emotions, they tend to either “love” school or “hate” it
- if your child happens to “hate” school, help her identify parts that are more enjoyable—even if it’s recess, gym, and lunch

    * Most kids at this age think there is too much homework
- emphasize how homework helps kids learn
- do homework with them. Make it fun
- applaud their learning & new knowledge

Physical Development

    * kids need to start using deodorant & learning more personal hygiene
- some go overboard and spend hours in the bathroom
- others resist, refusing to bathe

    * Puberty reigns at this age
- 5 stages for both boys and girls, developing at different rates betw the ages of 8-18

    * With growth spurts come clumsiness & a lack of coordination
- it isn’t easy for a person to grow 6" within a few mths without his sense of balance being disrupted

    * Typically, betw ages 12-14, kids become very aware of their own sexuality & others’ sexuality
- some are nervous about developing too fast
- others are worried about developing too slowly

    * If your child is not athletic, help her find a sport or physical activity she enjoys
- kids who don’t excel athletically are tempted to avoid all physical activity
- consider martial arts such as kung fu, judo, karate, or tae kwon do

Social Development

    * peer pressure has the most influence
- kids are more interested in “being the same” and “being accepted.”
- many will do things with others they would never do alone

    * Relationships can become quite complex
- some kids will not speak to others
- some enjoy fighting & making up
- some relationships become very intense

    * Some kids have large shifts in their social circles as they go through puberty
- others withdraw & avoid their peers
- some stick with their friends no matter what

    * Many kids would rather be social than tend to their school work or other responsibilities
- emphasize how all parts of life are important

    * Silliness can rule with some kids
- kids at this age can have a twisted sense of humor

    * Many kids push away from their parents & want to spend most of their time with friends
- some homes become tense with young teenagers who like to argue and test
- other homes are calmer with occasional skirmishes
- it all depends on the child’s personality

    * Cliques and tight-knit groups can form
- kids become very aware of “who” is in “which group”—even if they’re not always sure where they fit

Emotional Development

    * Moodiness and roller-coaster emotions emerge during puberty
- kids can be happy one moment and then violently angry or very depressed the next—and you often won’t be able to figure out why
- be patient and gentle with kids, as they experience strong emotions that can quickly change

    * Many talk in violent terms. “I’ll kill him.” “I want to beat her up.” “He’s so bad, he should die.”
- some deal with anger & injustice verbally
- others slam doors or stomp their feet
- if they act out in destructive ways, get them help with expressing strong emotion

    * Emotionally, young teenagers bristle at any physical affection from their parents
- some like a lot of physical affection from their friends while others like to keep their distance

    * Many kids can become very emotionally sensitive
- easily offended and easily hurt

    * Some kids will give you the silent treatment when they become angry—or if they don’t get their way
- give them time to simmer down
- they’ll talk to you again (usually when they need something from you)

    * Some kids begin dabbling in more serious risk behaviors (such as self-harm, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or having sex)
- help kids steer clear of these behaviors
- talk with them about what they’re experiencing—and what they’re seeing going on with their peers
- some are struggling with difficult issues

Spiritual Development

    * Kids in this age range begin to see contradictions in the world and in religious & spiritual beliefs
- many will confront & question these contradictions

    * Some question or reject their childhood beliefs as they move beyond black-and-white thinking

    * Some develop strong, even contradictory beliefs as they “try on” different ideas & beliefs

    * Many begin to identify or develop interests or gifts about which they’re passionate

    * Many begin to rely more on friends & other adults to shape their spiritual beliefs and practices

    * Many religious traditions have intensive religious training during these years to help kids sort through their beliefs

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