1. Rose hand made a bb hamper of pampers diapers, cloth, shoes, bibs and clothes..w 6m+ toy & biscuits
2. Horiana gave bb gal's dress and clothes..for my #2
3. food warmer fm alvin's uncle
4. mummyhood advice fm alvin's cou YB
5. bb stroller fm Aunt L
6. chong cao herbs w ginseng & bb cot fm FIL
7. Korean ginseng fm fren and mum to 7mth+ old kacie
8. lots of 700g refill packs+900g S26 formula milk, dried green bean shells pillow, $12 pearl powder & clip-on fan w batteries fm bro
9. ankle bracelet fm bro & SIL
10. nasal aspirator fm alvin's cou XH & CIL
11. tupperware hamper fm ex-parent helper now AE (allied educator)
12. shoppings vchr fm both alvin & my office, colleagues, dharma classmates n alvin's frens
13. bird's nest fm cou CC
14. some of hand-me-down clothes n beach toys & wear..
15. infants clothes..& rattle toys..
16. disposable diapers & tin of 900g S26 formula milk powder fm Aunt Irene
17. e-dog which can 'bark' and move fm MIL's fren..
18. green frog baby gym fm neighbour
19. Baby & child parenting book fm alvin's colleague
20. Baby magazines, pregnancy tips, bb shoes and rental of maternity wear fm TK's mum colleague
eerg..erg..arg..arg..(I love you all)
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