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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Touching True Life Story 《佛教故事介绍》之[母亲强忍剥皮之痛 临死前给孩子喂奶]

这是一则真实的故事 This is a true life story,
他在未出家前是个猎人,专门捕捉海獭 before he became a monk he was a Sea otter poacher。

有一次,他一出门就抓到一只大海獭 caught a big Sea otter。
等剖下珍贵的毛皮后 remove the skin,就把尚未断气的海獭藏在草丛里 hid the dying
Sea otter in the bush。

再仔细察看,才发现草地上依稀沾著血迹 found a trail of blood on the ground,一直延伸到附近小洞穴 to a nearby den's opening。
猎人探头往洞里瞧,不禁大吃一惊 He was shocked when he peeked in:
原来这只海獭忍着脱皮之痛,挣扎回到自己的窝 the dying
Sea otter had struggled back to its den despite in great pain。

为什么这么做呢 Why is that so?
等猎人拖出这只早已气绝的海獭时 the poacher found the dead
Sea otter, 才发觉有两只尚未睁眼的小海獭 and saw two baby Sea otters with their eyes still closed,正紧紧吸吮着死去母亲干瘪的乳头 still sucking and trying to feed on their dead mother's nipples。

当这位猎人看到这一幕时 Upon seeing this,身心受到极大的震撼 he was utterly shocked,
他从来没有想到动物 he has never imagined animals 会有这种与人类完全一样的母子人伦之情 to have motherly instincts similar to human beings,
临死还想着给自己的孩子喂奶 still thinking of feeding its young when it's dying,怕自己的孩子饿了 for fear that its young will be hungry。
惭愧、自责、悔恨、让他感到无地自容 Seeing this, the poacher was overwhelmed with utmost remorse and grievance。

他放下了屠刀,不再当猎户,出家修行去了 decided to renounce the world。
许多年以后 many years later,每当这位已经出家的僧人回忆起这段往事的时候 whenever he recall this incident,眼中依然会泛起泪光 his eyes will swell with tears。

感想 Reflections:
饮食最低的目的是为了果腹,最高的目的是为了适口 Eating basically is to fill our stomachs and at most satisfy our desire of tasting,
可是我们的味觉 our sense of taste,由入口到咽喉 from our mouth till our throat,只有十几公分 is only a few centimetres long,
我们何忍为了这十几公分的感受 How can we bear to make the other beings sacrifice so much,
而残杀如此多的生灵呢 for such short term pleasure for self?

试问,假设自己是那只海豚 你又会有何感受?你会怎么做?

这是多么感人至深,发人深醒的故事!一定要将它讲给您所见到或关心的每个人听,希望他们都可以在听到这个故事之后,内心会有所触动 Such a touching true life story. Do tell it to all the people around you。

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