Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Forgetful? Try eating memory-boosting foods

In another study, the phytochemicals, anthocyanin and quercetin, actually reversed some of the age-related memory deficits in laboratory animals. Some of the memory-boosting foods are:
  1. Some of the best cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and bok choy.
  2. Some of the best leafy green vegetables: spinach, collard and mustard greens, kale and Swiss chard.
  3. Some of the best foods for anthocyanin: Berries (all varieties), cherries, black currents, eggplant, red, black, and purple grapes, plums, rhubarb, red onion, red apples, red/purple cabbage, and red beets.
  4. Some of the best foods for quercetin: Onions (red, yellow, white), kale, leeks, cherry tomato, broccoli, blueberries, black currants, elderberries, apricots, apple with skin (Red Delicious), and red, purple, and black grapes. 
Source credit: today dot com

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

爸爸,请吃!Papa, please eat!

On the 19 May 2013 evening, TK offered a packet of roasted seaweed to Papa with a bow.
Papa was very touched by this gesture of TK's filial piety.
TK didn't eat much though as the crispy sheets of seaweed were not shredded.
Nonetheless, this act of offering and sharing
was first captured on lens
at 2y 8m 12d old..
Something TK picked up at Childcare Centre..and still practising
since joining at 18m last April..

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

自己来 自己来 Let me do it...myself / for you..

母亲要拉开储藏室(没关紧) 的门。 
孩子(讲出自己的名字XX) 来!

孩子(开始慢慢地关门,淘气地问) 你要一个人在(储藏室) 里吗? 
母亲(快速地把婴儿拖车搬出来,笑着回答)要。谢谢, 宝贝。妈妈要拿鞋子了。
孩子(立刻向鞋厨走过去,边走边说道) XX

孩子XX 来!

孩子(挣扎着好不容易成功穿好一袜子) 我不()
孩子(穿鞋袜拒绝母亲扶他起来说道) XX 来!

孩子XX 来!
