Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

17th week of motherhood

27dec - 2jan'11

- Mum went to make groceries after I drafted a shopping list while Dad & I stayed to take care of TK (returned after 90min)
- had 'di huang miao' & veg potato, sweet corn, carrot, kidney bean, pearl bean soup for lunch
- had broccoli w tomatoes for dinner

- woke up to Bb TK's cries at 6am for feed (pacified TK while Mum make milk)
- had 'lian rong shou bao' for breakfast (had a slice of bread earlier before medication)
- had mixed veg w 'dow bao' bb spinach for lunch

- had to report to work these 2 days (had applied for infant care for Day 1)

- getting new window grills (Darling took leave)

- gg home to watch the fireworks (Bb TK's 2nd time)

6th week of motherhood

11oct - 17oct

- went to deliver 1st month cakes to colleagues with mum carrying TK (took a few photos with colleagues & TK)
- had late lunch at Thomson but shop was closed (bought a bun to stop the hunger)
- gg to see gynae for consultation with Darling

5th week of motherhood

4oct - 10oct

- cf lady leaving on Wed and Darling is taking leave to take over (Bro is sending cf lady to take bus home)
- Bb TK turned 1mth old

4th week of motherhood

27sep - 3oct

- looking into the final details for Bb 1st month celebration on Sunday
- Bb TK's 1st Children's Day (received some NB gifts in advance)
- extremely tired after the celebration and slept soundly at night (didn't hear Bb TK cry or maybe he's too tired to wake up)

17th week Dearest Baby TK

28dec - 3jan'11

113 days' old, you only need 6 feeds compared to 8-9 small feeds for past 2 weeks; pooed at 3.40p
114 days' old, you again took >92% of your daily feeds;
115 days' old, you pooed at noon;
116 days' old, you tasted breastmilk for the 1st time and finished 4oz+2oz in 2 feeds; gg home to watch the fireworks 'LIVE' and COUNTDOWN to 2011;
117 days' old, you pooed at 1pm;
118 days' old, you are gg to stay at Granddad's place;
119 days' old, you flipped over 90 deg C on the sofa next to Granddad again, after doing it earlier for Grandmum & Marmy; you're 'giving 22%-33% discounts' of your daily feeds for the past few days; you've a few red bumps on your left arm near the elbow & you stop crying for a while when Grandmum applied lotion while you're asleep (remember the time when Marmy was bitten by insect when you're still less than 17 weeks old?)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

9th week Dearest Baby TK

2nov - 8nov

57 days' old,
58 days' old, Granddad discharged from hospital; we stayed at home while Grandmum went to fetch him
59 days' old, you
60 days' old, you
61 days' old, you
62 days' old, it's the first time you travelled by SMRT in stroller to Grandparents' house; Dardy bought a new pink diaper pants for you and found out it's for girl
63 days' old, your Uncle R birthday; Grandma & Aunt moved 2 shelves from Granduncle to our place

Makan Lobang!

Sizzler anyone?
Offer till end of Jan 2011

16th week of motherhood

20dec - 26dec

- napped for about 30min & was awaken by TK at 630p
- had 2 slices of wholemeal bread w olive spread & strawberry jam for breakfast
- had a slice of wholemeal bread w veg niang doufu - bittergourd
- had brinjal, veg niang doufu for lunch
- Dad & Mum went to poly to get blood test results while we stayed at home (TK napped for more than 2h)

- pooed after 2 days
- made carrot cake w bee tai mak for breakfast
- went groceries shopping with Dad & Mum w TK in stroller

- Darling came over for dinner - Dad & Mum did the marketing with the vouchers from my colleagues upon TK's arrival, I did the rest eg.planning what to buy and cook, help to prepare some of the food, most of the washing, mopping and cleaning the kitchen after cooking etc while Bro made 6-course dinner before his 630pm appt:

broccoli w cauliflower, mushroom, carrot, black fungus, red & green chilli pepper;
potatoes salad w mixed veg & lettuce, veg duck meat; w red & green chilli pepper;
braised dow ghee w mushroom, carrot, veg meat balls & chestnut spring rolls w lettuce;
di huang miao w fried egg, mushroom;
bazhen soup w hard-boiled eggs &
glutinous balls for dessert
- 2 guests are joininged us for dinner while TK slept after feeding

16th week Dearest Baby TK

21dec - 27dec

106 days' old, you laughed when Marmy played 'dong dong chiang' with you; you're quite awake in the night having napped more than 7h yesterday;
107 days' old, you still say 'L', 'el' as in 'elephant', 'ell' as in 'smell'; Dardy is coming came over to have dinner with you at Granddad's place;
108 days' old, you pooed a small lump before shower;
109 days' old, you are gg home w Marmy & Grandmum accompanied; pooed twice;
110 days' old, you are meeting met your 'little frens' for Xmas gathering if  as nothing goes went wrong; watched Dardy and Marmy eat fragrant pear and you swallowed own saliva and staring at our pear; received a spoon as Xmas gift from Granduncle 'Sa Lao Gu'; had the most amount feed ~29oz since last week
111 days' old, you had new NUK milk bottles and finish your feed in less than 5min; pooed continuously for 4 days and 5 times this week
112 days' old, you had the most amount of feed ~29.5oz for the past 2 weeks;

Sunday, December 19, 2010

BookFest @Singapore 2010 till 19 Dec

BookFest @Singapore 2010 - Celebrating 5 Glorious Years of the Best in Educating and Lifestyle

Venue: Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre Hall 601-603
Time: 10am-10pm
Free Admission

Join them in a last effort to raise donations towards The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund! Only on 19 Dec 2010.

All English books at 30% off. All Chinese books at 40% off.

BookFest @Singapore is donating S$1000 cash with every 10,000 copies of books sold at the fair.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

15th week Dearest Baby TK


99 days' old, you poo after 65h before nn; drank 2x plain water 1oz each at 4p
100 days' old, you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake;
101 days' old, you still like to babble alot; you're feeding 3/4 of what you should be taking at your age
102 days' old, you poo after more than 80h and first time taking diluted fibre drink 4h before poo
103 days' old, your Marmy bbsat you while Dardy went to buy groceries; you had your 2nd dose of 6-in-1 at the GP and scream & cried very loud; you slept quite abit after that; Grandpa & Grandma came to visit you; Grandma says you may shave your head at 4m;
104 days' old, you went to stay at Granddad's place; you had diluted fibre drink on the way
105 days' old, you napped for more than 7h; you have not poo for 3 days;

14th week Dearest Baby TK


92 days' old, you are 3m today; start feed 2.25 scoops but mostly only finish 3oz; went 2nd time to do groceries; like to sing-a-long to songs; feed 2.30am, 5.45am, 12.15pm, 5.30pm, 10.40pm; Marmy sneaked out to the bank; Granddad first time feed you & taking care of you by himself; Marmy won a 'Best Email of the Month' prize for you; Dardy comes to visit you at Granddad's place
93 days' old, you still like to watch Granddad play with you; feed 2.20am, 6am, 2.35pm,
94 days' old, you stay w Granddad & Grandmum while Marmy goes for dinner; still like to babble alot; Dardy went to buy groceries
95 days' old, you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake
96 days' old, you have been making bubbles w your lips
97 days' old, your Grandmum bbsat you for 7 Days & Nights continuously; Grandma came to visit you tml
98 days' old, you are gg for your 2nd jab w Grandmum

Monday, December 13, 2010

15th week of motherhood

13dec- 19dec

- came home after staying more than a week at parents' place (Bro drove us back)
- woke up 2 times in the night feeling lethargic
- Bb TK going for 2nd jab
- Mum bbsat TK while Darling accompanied me for neuro check-up
- feedings: 2.10am & 4am; 6am 1oz & 8.45am 2.5oz;11.20am;

- Darling took leave visited cf lady with Darling before the end of her assignment (7 bb boy in a row)
- Bb TK poo alot today after 65h
- dined at Mum's place (bb spinach, mock meat, and potato & sweet corn soup)

- F***pr*** supermarket issue points based on gross amount ie after rounding adjustments if any
- TK finished ~3.1kg of formula in Oct; similarly for Nov; estimated ~3.61kg in Dec & ~4kg in Jan & similarly for Feb'11
- cleaned TK's poo after his bath
- Pa called while I'm on the phone w Aunt L & Darling called my mobile
- Darling came to fetch us home after dinner (broccoli w tomato & mushroom, di huang miao, sweet corn w chestnut, pearl bean & kidney bean soup and soya cake for dessert)

- Darling went marketing, cooked for all the meals, washed the dishes, swept the floor..while I looked after TK, diligently filled in TK daily log (FENPEP for FEed, Nap, PEe & Poo) & put the clothes into the washer
- had multigrain porridge, veg pig's trotters, broccoli with tomato, mushroom & carrot for dinner

14th week of motherhood


- went to make groceries with Dad & Mum with Bb TK in stroller
- Darling came to visit Bb TK after work (first Fri after end of Dharma class this year)
- made du zhong soup; Bro made potatoes, kidney beans, peanuts & carrot soup; Mum made broccoli and dow ghee

- Darling came to visit Bb TK and stayed for dinner
- Mum made broccoli, brinjal; Dad made dow suan; 
- feeding: 1.45am; 5.45am & 7.25am; 10am 2.75oz; 12.45pm 3oz; 6pm; 11pm
- nap: 7.50am; 2.20pm; 4.35pm; 9pm

13th week of motherhood


- attended last Dharma class this year while Mum bbsat Bb TK

12th week of motherhood


- Dardy bought food & Marmy made soup for dinner

11th week of motherhood



10th week of motherhood



Saturday, December 11, 2010

9th week of motherhood


- Darling had to wake up early for work
- Mum accompanied Dad to hospital and I asked the nurse to discharge Dad after dinner the following day
- Darling came to visit us with new diaper pants & dig cam charger and dined at Granddad's house
- Darling went to buy groceries
- Darling had exam and spent late nights preparing for it

- it's Deepavali and we stayed at home
- new drug for post AVM makes me feel more drowsy
- continue to observe for any adverse effects (had bumps on face which makes me feel itchy like mosquito bite)
- hardly *hear* bb TK cry in the night
- Dad help to pacify TK while Mum make formula feed
- luckily Mum is there to help and I went back to sleep if TK cries woke me up at 5-6am
- TK is 2m old & he's got blocked nose (doesn't feed smoothly at night)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

8th week of motherhood


- TK gained ~1kg in a mth and me losing ~1kg in 2 wk (sounds like a slimming centre's real-life slogan)
- attended Alumni dinner with Darling and Granddad & Grandmum bbsat TK
- started a new drug after AVM op and had to observe for any adverse effects
- Granddad not feeling so well these days and Grandmum is worried
- Granddad suggested we moved and stayed over so Grandmum no need to travel
- Happy Halloween!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Developmental Overview: Ages 3-6m

- At 3-6m, your baby becomes very much his own person (show individual difference)
- babies develop at different rates (TK likes to smile, even when he's asleep)
- your baby may be faster in some things, slower in others (not more or less intelligent than another)

On the move

  • At 3-4m put him on a blanket on his tummy and he may try to edge forward by pushing with his feet or pulling with his arms. Most can do stomach-to-back roll, some even back-to-stomach roll (TK loves to 'fly' like an aeroplane when confinement lady puts him on his tummy)
  • At 5m, he may be able to push himself up to a standing position supported (TK did that even before he turns 1m old)
  • At 6m, he may be able to sit unsupported


  • At 4m he is reaching & grasping. Grasp is limited as his fingers & thumbs don't work independently yet
  • At 5m he can grasp a toy with one hand, then transfer it to the other. He uses fingers and thumb independently and can rotate his wrist to look at the object in his grasp
  • At 6m he's discovering how to pick up small objects with his fingers and thumb, using his new skills in judging distance

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

13th week Dearest Baby TK


85 days' old, you had makan at Grandparents' place w Dardy; poo at 3p feed
86 days' old, you celebrate Dardy & Marmy's 'union'; poo at 1p; you're heard laughing so hard (loud) first time when Granddad play with you
87 days' old, you still like to babble alot; feed 3am,7.45am,12.21p, 3p
88 days' old, your Grandma bbsat you while we attended Dharma class; you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake; Grandmum had bbsit you for 10 Days & Nights continuously
89 days' old, you will meet met your little 'frens' if nothing goes wrong; for the 3rd time
90 days' old, you are gg to cheer Dardy while he goes for his annual race; Grandma came to bathe you; gg to Granddad's place to stay; heard on news about the vaccine Rotavirus
91 days' old, you are turning 3m tml

12th week Dearest Baby TK


78 days' old, you are being 'interviewed'; went to Granddad's place to stay;
79 days' old, you have learnt to scream once you're full & wants to sleep w pacifier; Dardy reminded to give you plain water to drink
80 days' old, you still like to babble alot; taking less milk & more sleep; Grandpa bought some dried foodstuff for us; Dardy almost won an iPad for us at Forum, so bought M&S biscuits for consolation
81 days' old, your Granddad bbsit you while we attend Dharma class; you don't like to be left alone in darkness when awake; Grandmum already bbsit you for 4D4N continuously
82 days' old, you are gg to Infant Care next Jan w 30% increment in fees; poos at 10p feed after changing gauze napkins
83 days' old, your Uncle R went to buy milk powder with Aunt W; poo at 10p feed
84 days' old, you poo at 6p feed & Granddad cleaned your butts